
I am Sahithyan, an undergraduate at University of Moratuwa, studying Bachelor of Science (Engineering).

I develop web (and mobile) apps. I love working on the front-end.


Recently, I have started working as a Software Engineer Intern at asta.

Before that, I provided high-quality web development services on Freelancer.com and Upwork. I worked as a freelancer for about an year. I also worked on projects for clients outside of these platforms.

You can download my CV if you are interested.

About this site

This website is made using Preact, TypeScript, Sass, MDX, Rollup, and Gulp. And hosted from Vercel. Technically speaking, I created a base-level meta-framework which is highly non-maintainable and a mess. However, it works for me. And I would use it for a 98% static site.

If you are interested in making a site like this, you should consider using Astro or a similar framework.

Contact me

The fastest and the easiest way would be direct messaging me on Twitter @sahithyandev. You can email me at sahithyan2701@gmail.com. You can also find me on LinkedIn (my profile).