I write about the topics I like whenver I feel like it. There are a total of 24.
Showing all 24 posts
Fixing Pinch Zoom Issue On Pop OS
Pinch zoom on Pop OS doesn't work by default. Here is an easy fix.
Installing Vivado 2018.2 on Ubuntu
Here is how I installed Vivado on my Ubuntu machine
Checklist for Web Projects
A short TODO list I check before deploying a web project.
Building Live Users Count
A small fun thing I tried at turned into a learning opportunity.
Don't use the most used software
I think the most used software are bloated. Its alternatives are better.
Better Alternatives in JavaScript ecosystem
I wanted to create a list of all shiny stuff in the javascript community.
Performance optimizations on
Recently, I have worked on some performance issues on website, and fixed them. Thought it might be useful to future me (or someone else) at some point.
Building Wizmo — Video Downloader Bot
Sharing the story behind Wizmo — Video Downloader Bot
One bug, one month of debugging
I wanted to share about a minor bug that took me 1 month to resolve. The reason for that was, my lack of knowledge regarding HTTP.
Bitwise Operations
Bitwise operations manipulate individual bits in binary data for efficient manipulation and testing. This article provides information and an interactive playground to help familiarize you with them.
Solving the Prerendering Preact Problem
Having trouble while prerendering a Preact site? In this post, I'll share my experience finding a solution to this common problem.
Static Open Graph images
I added statically-generated Open Graph images to my posts; and how I optimized them.
JavaScript Shorthands
Do you write JavaScript a lot? These shorthands might be helpful to you.
Divisibility Rules - An Explanation
How much time would you need to check if a given number is divisible by 2 –15 without a computer? Well, for the first few numbers, you would be so fast. But you will get stuck at 7 or 13 right? Don't worry. After reading this article, you won't. Give it a try.